Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Smattering of Snow and Such

I know I've been a bad blogger.  It's been a bit hectic around here lately.  Its currently snowing like crazy outside.  I love snow its so pretty!  It makes me wish I was going skiing tonight.  Unfortunately I will probably just go home and curl up with tea and a book...not a bad idea either.  Here are some of my recent snow filled adventures and an outfit I wore to a party I went to.
The sun coming through the clouds was so pretty!

I went iceskating on the lake.  Wore a borrowed pair of leg warmers from my mother that I love.

Blazer-handmedown from my aunt (Pendleton) 


  1. such a cute checked jacket and beautiful snow photos! love the shot of your ice skates! xx

  2. Thank you so much!! I can't tell you how much that means to me...I adore your blog, such great inspiration :)
